The Moose Clan / Analysis

By Tdale369
04/25/2010 - 02:52:40

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Today, you decide to try out for the workforce.
Win message:
After helping out so much, the Elder has considered entering you into the workforce.
Lose message:
Oooo... ouch.
ACT 1 :   Looking for work.
You decide to ask the Elder for a job
ACT 2 :   The First Job
Perhaps that herbalist has a job...
ACT 3 :   The Second Job
You are a bit hungry, go talk to the fisherman...
ACT 4 :   The Final Job
That was quite the trip! You hear a song in the distance....
ACT 5 :   Worship
It's time to go pay tribute to the Great Spirit
ACT 6 :   Return to home
Now, after all that hard work, time for rest...
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