New-Ephia V Luna Firma / Analysis

By blargle
04/24/2010 - 13:42:58

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 1.76 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
This is just a template adventure, so you can all see my vision for New-Ephia V.
Win message:
The work on the Luna Firma colony seems to be going well.
Lose message:
How did you?.... Oh, you must've tried to pick up the Demon.
ACT 1 :   Welcome
This is the Luna Firma colony on Ephiat. To start, go inside the Embassy. It is right in front of you.
ACT 2 :   The BioDome
Your next stop is one of the colony BioDomes. It is the big building with the green and blue dome on the top of it.
ACT 3 :   The Control Room
Go inside the control room, so you can figure out what progress has been made there.
ACT 4 :   The Technology
Talk to Tarnis about the technology here.
ACT 5 :   The Holo-Communicator
Just be patient...
ACT 6 :   Asking for Supplies
Use the Holo-Communicator to talk to Markad, and ask him about sending more supplies.
ACT 7 :   The Final Approval
Ask Navim and Tarnis if they think the colony is ready for colonists.
ACT 8 :   Success
This colony seems to be well on its way to self-sutainability.
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