New-Ephia IV Shades of Grey / Analysis

By blargle
04/17/2010 - 02:18:46

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
It seems that this place has lost all of its color.
Win message:
There they go! Good work!
Lose message:
How did you?..... Oh, you must've tried to pick up the Prophet.
ACT 1 :   The Task

ACT 2 :   The Search Begins

ACT 3 :   Loyal but terrible workers.
These three people are terrible workers, but they are the most loyal people on the planet.
ACT 4 :   Unloyal but excellent workers
These three people are not loyal at all. In fact, they've all made at least one attempt on Markad's life. However, they are science and engineering geniuses.
ACT 5 :   Making a Decision
You need some help before you decide.
ACT 6 :   Informing Markad.
You are going to inform Markad about your decision to send Ka'Nor, Navim, Tarnis, Barvadian, and Fabnacha to Ephiat.
ACT 7 :   The Launch
Time seemed to stop in this moment. The ship is leaving, and you are wondering what is going to happen next...
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