The Ghost Army of Spyrus Pt II / Analysis

By Osskyrzori
04/16/2010 - 05:58:34

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You've beamed down the strange water world again. Talk to Jenso.
Win message:
The safety of another planet is, once again assured. Good work!
Lose message:
You have been slain. You will likely be remembered, maybe. . .
ACT 1 :   Beamed down
Talk to Jenso
ACT 2 :   the disturbance
Move to the mainland and try to discover what has been happening.
ACT 3 :   Sea travel
Examine the disturbance.
ACT 4 :   First fight
Fight in the arena.
ACT 5 :   The lone warrior
Survive as long as you can.
ACT 6 :   the wave
Fight the wave of Weavers.
ACT 7 :   the last, I am the last
The strange crowd has stopped cheering. And a loud dangerous rumble has appeared. I must discover what is going on.
ACT 8 :   The final fight
Fight the entity's organic form.
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