Clark and Stanley Go Stargazing / Analysis

By djdigger
04/07/2010 - 05:10:46

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.2 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Our sensors indicate Stanley and Clark have requested your assistance once again. Go find them and see what they want this time.
Win message:
Two guys are dead and you do a rub-it-in dance. What a jerk...
Lose message:
Try not to get too close to Clark and Stanley, these two are troubles.
ACT 1 :   A Beautiful Night
Meet up with Clark and Stanley at the top of the hill.
ACT 2 :   Something feels wrong
There's just something that's not quite right.
ACT 3 :   Something feels really wrong
Just can't shake that feeling of impending catastrophe.
ACT 4 :   Oh no!
Well that was it. Stay away!
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