The Forest of Whispers / Analysis

By Jaconan
04/04/2010 - 23:31:45

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You look to your side and see Brock, grinning. Positioning yourself in a jumping position, you wave to your teammates and jump into the sporegate...
Win message:
You lie down beneath your log, and shut your eyes hard. Its going to be a long night night...
Lose message:
Because of your loss, Brock and Pilus were forever lost in the forest, and were eventually sacrificed by the ritualists.
ACT 1 :   Shwoop
All I remember is a loud bang noise and watching all these stars fly behind me. It was as if i was traveling to different galaxies, different universes. Is...is this a dream?
ACT 2 :   Shadow Technology
Im hearing whispers from north of the camp. Perhaps the dark rituals are being performed north?
ACT 3 :   Shadow Technology
Hmm, Pilus looks uneasy. Maybe I should inspect him?
ACT 4 :   Brock
We should return to Brock. He should be located south of here if he hasnt died of a heart attack yet.
ACT 5 :   What?
What the hell could that possibly mean? Wait, did you hear rumbling? I think it came from that camp again. Should i really do this?
ACT 6 :   Fireguard
Defeat the fireguard!
ACT 7 :   Return to Brock
Wow, that was unexpected. We should really tell Brock about this. We need to get out of here fast.
ACT 8 :   Bed
I should start looking for somewhere to sleep. Hmm, that looks like a cave right behind me. Perhaps it could be useful?
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