Coler / Analysis

By Remypas
04/02/2010 - 13:41:21

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 3.2 (Good)

Basic info
Intro message:
The legendary town of Coler. Deserted since more than a hundred years and the fear of many Captains. You wonder what you'll find here.
Win message:
You did it.I hope you liked this adventure. It took me quite some time to make this (more than two weeks.)Please comment to let me know what you thought of it.
Lose message:
You had better been more carefull. Coler is a dangerous place.
ACT 1 :   Coler
You have to inspect some fires in the legendary Ghost town of Coler. You wouldn't have accepted this mission if it weren't for that new interstellar drive you have your eye on.
ACT 2 :   The Mine
The temperatures are rising. You feel the heat when you enter the mine. You sure wish you hadn't accepted the mission. This place is creepy.
ACT 3 :   Strange turn of events.
Take a look around if you can find some kind of controls for the machine.
ACT 4 :   FLEE

ACT 5 :   Cooldown
That was close. The device was destroyed. Let's examine the great cave up ahead to see if it has had any effect.
ACT 6 :   Coler Dam
You'll have to do it. Its the only way to stop these fires from spreading even further. Even if it might mean destroying the entire town.Be sure to take enough explosives.
ACT 7 :   Succes
You did it! This will take care of it. It even seems the town survived..... But for what reason.Your mission is complete. You can beam up right away or have another look around town.
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