Sack Idol Sacktopia / Analysis

By cheesehead27
04/01/2010 - 00:15:58

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 1.06 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Get ready to judge the Sack Idol compitition. The Top 2 from this city and the 2 remaining (not on this adventure) will go to Sack Island.
Win message:
Remember to vote. But this is only the first out of 3 cities. The top 3 from every city will make it to the finals. Then you will vote off the bottem 4 and then pick the winner.
Lose message:
You died. My apologies that wasn't sopossed to happen. Please tell me how you died and I'll try and fix that.
ACT 1 :   First round
Go through the portal with the sack standing behind it to go to its city. Start with the Skier, and Godzilla.
ACT 2 :   First round (cont)
Go through the remaining portals and see more sacks to vote on. Remember the winner and the runner up procede to the next stage. Sack Island.
Just a second to last minuet reminder to vote via the comment box.
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