Zombie- Chapter 1- The Infection / Analysis
By RocketRabbid
03/29/2010 - 18:29:22
Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Okay... This place is creepy, so don't be too long!
Okay... This place is creepy, so don't be too long!
Win message:
Get ready for your adventure! Sneak into the Spodualus factory!
Get ready for your adventure! Sneak into the Spodualus factory!
Lose message:
Now you have a Zombie eating your brain... How nice.
Now you have a Zombie eating your brain... How nice.
ACT 1 : Woah...
What happened here? Talk to that citizen.
What happened here? Talk to that citizen.
ACT 2 : Night of the living dead
ZOMBIES! Be careful! Looks like the infection has spread quite a bit...
ZOMBIES! Be careful! Looks like the infection has spread quite a bit...
ACT 3 : Phew...
Now, talk to that citizen again.
Now, talk to that citizen again.
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