Fun with Dragons / Analysis

By LeannLeann
03/29/2010 - 01:11:02

Type: Story adventure
Rating: -1.36 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You've arrived in Ellesmera and have discovered Oromis and Glaedr, proving you aren't the last free Dragon and Rider! Train with Glaedr as Saphira before continuing.
Win message:
You've completed your training with Glaedr and are now ready to re-join Eragon in the fight against Galbatorix!
Lose message:
Oromis will not be pleased with this! Run back to Eragon so he can teach you some manners!
ACT 1 :   Count the Motrahs!
Lets see how good you're thnking skills are. Count the Motrahs for me.
ACT 2 :   Battle Training!
Kill Thorn for some battle training, and so that we can have one less traitor in Algaesia.
ACT 3 :   Find your master!
Now come talk to me, for I have some very important things to say.
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