It's a TRAP! / Analysis

By Mudokon117
03/25/2010 - 01:13:33

Type: Puzzle adventure
Rating: 1.56 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You've arrived to participate in, "'The Game"' Feel free to take a look around first, before you sign up.
Win message:
Congrats! You figured out the way to beat "'The Game"' now beam back down, and get the MONEY! Oh ya, and you should bust the crooks and save the slaves and ghosts and stuff too. MONEY!!!
Lose message:
Wow. You just died. Why the heck did you participate in this game? The signs to quit were SO obvious. Seriously. You deserved this. (There is a way to win, just use your head.)
You've been invited to play in a game for a creature known only as "'The host."' Let's see if you can win his game and win the HUGE prize money that he said you'd win if you beat his game!
ACT 2 :   Let's Play!
Hmmm... This sure is a weird place... Maybe this isn't the best idea.... MONEY! DOOOOOOOOOOOOO ITTTTTT........
ACT 3 :   It's a TRAP!
X_X Nice knowing you pal.
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