Music of the Blind / Analysis

By thunderpants
02/19/2010 - 22:01:38

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Win message:
You body is now string enough to fully enter this realm. You have a home and a future.
Lose message:
You drift out of this dimension and suffer the torture of wandering oblivion for another eternity...
ACT 1 :   Feeding
After years of wandering around the physical plains, you can finally see. You can see the light of perfect noise, you had better absorb the sound. It may help you be.
ACT 2 :   Siren's Song
After absorbing that noise, you can see a beautiful sound, created by that mortal. What is that mortal?
ACT 3 :   Travel
Where could that brillent singer be going? You need her song to become a physical being. You need to protect her.
ACT 4 :   Confidence
That singer has no confidence and is filled with doubt. You need to protect her from doubt and convince her to sing again.
ACT 5 :   Travel
She's going towards that tree, but why?
ACT 6 :   Ascension
The singer's singing is so powerful. This tree must be were she practises. Can you feel the energy searing through your veins? Can you feel the Power!
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