No Mortal Matter / Analysis

By smallos
02/11/2010 - 05:14:07

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.08 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Doom. Fire. You leave your ship, scared. What will await you? Only Spode knows...trouble is...he ain't the only God on this blasted rock. Who called you out here?
Win message:
Well done. There is peace at last.
Lose message:
Too bad. You have peace at lastTry again
ACT 1 :   Kasmah
Who called you... What do they want?
ACT 2 :   Quaelo
Talk to the Oracle and take his staff
ACT 3 :   Music
Good work you solved it!
ACT 4 :   Galpon
Good work now you need to find a way into the temple of Galpon.
ACT 5 :   SKY!
Wow..It's cold up hereYou should try to get Galpon's torch as fast as you can.
ACT 6 :   Darkness realm
Go to the darkness realm and find Chintook
ACT 7 :   Fight!
Kill Chintook!
ACT 8 :   Peace
Good job you did it!
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