No Mortal Matter / Analysis

By smallos
02/11/2010 - 05:14:07
Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.08 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Doom. Fire. You leave your ship, scared. What will await you? Only Spode knows...trouble is...he ain't the only God on this blasted rock. Who called you out here?
Doom. Fire. You leave your ship, scared. What will await you? Only Spode knows...trouble is...he ain't the only God on this blasted rock. Who called you out here?
Win message:
Well done. There is peace at last.
Well done. There is peace at last.
Lose message:
Too bad. You have peace at lastTry again
Too bad. You have peace at lastTry again
ACT 1 : Kasmah
Who called you... What do they want?
Who called you... What do they want?
ACT 2 : Quaelo
Talk to the Oracle and take his staff
Talk to the Oracle and take his staff
ACT 3 : Music
Good work you solved it!
Good work you solved it!
ACT 4 : Galpon
Good work now you need to find a way into the temple of Galpon.
Good work now you need to find a way into the temple of Galpon.
ACT 5 : SKY!
Wow..It's cold up hereYou should try to get Galpon's torch as fast as you can.
Wow..It's cold up hereYou should try to get Galpon's torch as fast as you can.
ACT 6 : Darkness realm
Go to the darkness realm and find Chintook
Go to the darkness realm and find Chintook
ACT 7 : Fight!
Kill Chintook!
Kill Chintook!
ACT 8 : Peace
Good job you did it!
Good job you did it!
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