Lunch / Analysis

By Giganoto08
01/29/2010 - 22:30:56

Type: Collect adventure
Rating: 0.45 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Once upon a time there was a creature called a Durf. One night, the Durf decided he didn't want to be a Durf anymore. So he turned into a rock. THE END.
Win message:
...Was there a moral to this?
Lose message:
Wow... I'm surprised. I gave you infinate health, and you still managed to lose.
ACT 1 :   Talk to that blue thing
That blue thing.
ACT 2 :   It has a ham sandwich
Get his lunch. It has a ham sandwich and a bottle of water.
ACT 3 :   It is black and orange
Throw it to him. He is too proud to directly take it from you.
ACT 4 :   Kablooey
He got his lunch.
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