The Search For Vengeance / Analysis

By Jaconan
01/28/2010 - 23:33:50

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.11 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
"' Okay. This tribe seems to be bent on destroying the Necrolord now that the threat has risen. This may very well be my chance for vengeance! "'
Win message:
Perples found a small, crumpled paper in the pocket of the oracle. n it displayed every single major location on the planet, including Tekkas's domain...
Lose message:
Because of your death, your father was never avenged and Tekkas escaped to his lair, claiming more casualties along the way.
ACT 1 :   The Strike
( Continuation of previous conversation )
ACT 2 :   The Search
"' Now i must go back into the cave. Let's just hope the demons didn't use some kind of necromancy to resurrect the beasts... "'
ACT 3 :   Giving
"' Alright, lets give this scroll to the leader. "'
ACT 4 :   The Move
"' Now that we have the oracle's location, why not look for him? "'
ACT 5 :   The Search
"' Lets look for that oracle, shall we?
ACT 6 :   The Oracle
"' Yes! There he is! "'
ACT 7 :   Surprise Visit
"' Tekkas?! Why is he here? "'
ACT 8 :   No!
"' That bastard strikes again! He killed our only source of help! "'
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