The Quest For THe Golden Gnome / Analysis

By djdigger
01/25/2010 - 00:23:04

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.65 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Time to find a Gnome! I hope we don't have to dance! Wait what?
Win message:
To be continued... Or will it? Proble it will, but who cares.
Lose message:
Wa wa wa wa.
ACT 1 :   Treasure Hunting
The Gnome is just ove there. We must collect it!
ACT 2 :   Oh no!
What in blazes is that? Quickly talk to it.
ACT 3 :   What did he mean?

ACT 4 :   What the heck?
How did you get here? And more importantly were is here?
ACT 5 :   Witch one?!?!?!

ACT 6 :   Few, that was close.

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