the crash / Analysis

By nanowolf27
01/14/2010 - 18:12:08

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0.17 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
your ship crashd on a unown planet ther seems to be. valinsevrewere maybe a locil can tell you wates hapend.(this is my first advecher forgive the bad speling)
Win message:
well you dont have to fight and you got the parts ya.
Lose message:
well it code be wors......
ACT 1 :   od ther semes to be one guy here
talk to this guy
ACT 2 :   talk to the lerder jon
bob said to talk to jon maybe he can help me get out of here.......
ACT 3 :   serch
okey now im in a war........crap...................wait wates that tempell? lets go chek it out
ACT 4 :   lets go
okey lets see eggs cheke canyon cheke lets jump
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