efforts of escape / Analysis

By art9999999999999
01/10/2010 - 01:38:53

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
finaly you get of that boat but now your on this prison island
Win message:
tell me if you want a seqel
Lose message:
tell me if you want a seqel
ACT 1 :   the pilot act
you are one of the 63 prisoners on this island and now the only hope of survival is to escape...... FAST!
ACT 2 :   inside information
talk to the guy saying dratna he is a man with all the information
ACT 3 :   objective complete
the sniper was killed so now you can move more freely go back to the informant
ACT 4 :   partialy forfiled
go check out the docks somthing happend
ACT 5 :   deciving little master mind
you need to kill the one who helped you for more time to escape
ACT 6 :   the deed is done
report back to the one you made the deal with
ACT 7 :   the master of seramony
talk to the head man
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