the death world / Analysis

By quetzalcoatlus
01/09/2010 - 16:57:30

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
you have crashed landed on catachan! A world filled with vicious and aggressive beasts!
Win message:
you've escape one of the most hostile planets known to your speceis besides the grox congatulations!
Lose message:
aww you died but luckily to the wonders of science we can turn back time and let you start again
ACT 1 :   soft landing
captain? captain! oh i thought i lost you. Im sorry to say you're on catachian, the most infamous of death worlds. Ok when your ship crashed it must have dropped a beacon try to find it
ACT 2 :   the lord sapper
captain that sapper needs to be destoyed if not the worlds water soil everything will be withered into nothing!
ACT 3 :   get outta there!
captain! The ships waiting get out before the wildlife comes to the source of the explosion!
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