The Bugs Are Coming / Analysis

By sivvle
12/21/2009 - 00:47:55
Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
OMG, where are we? Did we just get teleported down here. Stupid people. Anyway... might as well figure out how to get out. Although there's probably a twist and you'll have to help somebody.
OMG, where are we? Did we just get teleported down here. Stupid people. Anyway... might as well figure out how to get out. Although there's probably a twist and you'll have to help somebody.
Win message:
Yay! You killed a bunch of evil bugs, helped a kind one. And talked to a yellow thing holding tooth brush. Good day, good day.
Yay! You killed a bunch of evil bugs, helped a kind one. And talked to a yellow thing holding tooth brush. Good day, good day.
Lose message:
How did you dye. Did the mean pointy bug kill you. With his pathetic 10% damage. Awwww..... get over yoursekf. If you give this a bad vote because you lost i'll be very mad at you. :<>"'
How did you dye. Did the mean pointy bug kill you. With his pathetic 10% damage. Awwww..... get over yoursekf. If you give this a bad vote because you lost i'll be very mad at you. :<>"'
ACT 1 : Begin your quest
don't go into the nest until you read the sign. Or your screwed.
don't go into the nest until you read the sign. Or your screwed.
How did we get in here? It seems so square
How did we get in here? It seems so square
ACT 3 : The Big Bug
:D. :D involves the maze i made again, it's actually not that hard
:D. :D involves the maze i made again, it's actually not that hard
ACT 5 : To the Mayor
:D... something easy
:D... something easy
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