Robot Island Part 1 / Analysis
By reffdy
12/13/2009 - 16:38:45
Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Win message:
Yays, you win!
Yays, you win!
Lose message:
LOLZ you need to be better...
LOLZ you need to be better...
ACT 1 : Tribe...
Talk to the leader...
Talk to the leader...
ACT 2 : Sail to a island!
To do list:*Find "'The Prison"'.*Sail to Robot Island.
To do list:*Find "'The Prison"'.*Sail to Robot Island.
ACT 3 : Robot Island
Find talk to the villagers, they can maybe help...
Find talk to the villagers, they can maybe help...
ACT 4 : Into "'The Prison"'!
Why do i use "' oh, i used it agian!
Why do i use "' oh, i used it agian!
ACT 5 : Somebit hard...
Wait 3 things to do, i just want to do 2 things...
Wait 3 things to do, i just want to do 2 things...
ACT 6 : O...M...G...
Thats a realy big pet!
Thats a realy big pet!
ACT 7 : Escape!
ACT 8 : Great!
You are great!
You are great!
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