Vital Vending / Analysis

By smallos
11/30/2009 - 04:18:50

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.17 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
The mail has just arrived and you were not expecting anything to happen... wonder what it is...
Win message:
good work you now have a weekend to enjoy your solitude!
Lose message:
You have failed now how will people get their refresging drinks and salty snack treats!?Try again
ACT 1 :   You've got mail!
go out get your mail
ACT 2 :   Shrink
You need to go into the machine
ACT 3 :   Guantlet!?
make you way through the guantlet!
ACT 4 :   plug that plug!
Get to and plug in the plug
ACT 5 :   Good job!
Go back through this convenient door and talk to the Vendo
ACT 6 :   Grow
Go into the Growtron 2000 and speak to the mechanic
ACT 7 :   Coin
put the coin into the vending machine
ACT 8 :   Drink
get your drink then return to your cottage
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