The Everds world / Analysis

By graben
11/28/2009 - 02:11:59

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.08 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You have beamed down on the Everds planet. This crater is where all life on this planet was created.
Win message:
You managed to help 3 people today. And i guess you also will have to help an old cyber-lady go over the galactic road on youre way home.
Lose message:
Better luck next time!
ACT 1 :   Cool town!
Wow, this is one nice city! Talk to the mayor though to see whats up.
ACT 2 :   Farmer needs help
First we´ll help the farmer. Somebodyneeds to get rid of that crops.
ACT 3 :   Thanks!
Now you can tell the farmer how good you where.
ACT 4 :   Everds gone wild?
Well now its time to help the girls and guys at the lovers lake.
ACT 5 :   Thanks! (Again)
Now you can tell the girl how good you where.
ACT 6 :   Fish!!
Now its time to help some more! Now some fishers needs youre help!
ACT 7 :   Thanks!(Once again)
Now you can tell the fishers how good you where.
ACT 8 :   A final talk.
Finally talk to the mayor one last time!
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