The Gnome Attack / Analysis

By smallos
11/16/2009 - 04:34:30

Type: Defend adventure
Rating: 0.05 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You have been called in
Win message:
Wait what was that last thing oh well you won
Lose message:
The gnomes have defeated you try again
ACT 1 :   Talk
Talk to the nomexter general
ACT 2 :   Flying!?
Survive the first wave
ACT 3 :   Phew
talk to tne nomexter general
ACT 4 :   Attack
Survive this attack you need to kill as many gnomes as possible
ACT 5 :   Backup
talk to the nomester general then the backup
ACT 6 :   Survive
this should be the last wave youn need to survive
ACT 7 :   G-gnome!
OH no its the G-GNOME!! you must kill it!
ACT 8 :   You did it!
Good work!
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