Re-constuctimator / Analysis

By graben
11/12/2009 - 17:40:31

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You have beamed down near the house of the scientist Werbert Hest.
Win message:
You won! I wont be taking any needles in the near future...
Lose message:
You sadly lost... Try again.
ACT 1 :   Get in there!
Get in the house...
ACT 2 :   Will it work?
Time to play doctor! Lets see what happens when you give the "'patient"' the needle.
ACT 3 :   Woah!!
It worked allright, but he seems crazy!! Kill him! (Again)
ACT 4 :   Enogh with this!
If that is what happens to the dead person you probubly wont survive if you give the needle to the other two. Tell Dr. Hest youre leaving!
ACT 5 :   No other coise...
I guess we cant refuse... What if he kills you and experiments with you?!
ACT 6 :   Bad idea...
Oh no!! They are after us! If we take the stairs, it will be slower and we will get killed. Take the window instead!
ACT 7 :   Die!
We have enogth of this! Destroy the house!!
ACT 8 :   Well done!
You won! now we can hope that this never happens again!
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