spoffit farm / Analysis

By 95wolf123
11/04/2009 - 19:28:12

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: -0.19 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
hello there is something weird going on in ms spoffits farm and as a spoffit your goal is to help her so good luck!
Win message:
way to go. ms spoffit named her monster bob? i would have named it george but you did good
Lose message:
you shouldint of attacked the monster
ACT 1 :   
hello and welcome to ms spoffits farm somthing weird has been happening to the animals they say they see somthing big and ugly coming around the farm maybe you should go talk to the animals.
ACT 2 :   
its time you find this monster and get rid of it.... o yeah YOUR A SPOFFIT hahaha!!!! no seiriusly go get rid of it.
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