Larrys Halloween party / Analysis

By graben
10/28/2009 - 17:41:54

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.02 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Get rady to party!!
Win message:
You won! You managed to "'defeat"' the robot..!
Lose message:
You lost... I think you shuldnt shoot on giant robots...
ACT 1 :   Prepare...

ACT 2 :   Dancing time!
Dance it off!!
ACT 3 :   What the..?
A giant robot? I think you shuld not attack it... It dosent seem to be a good idea...
ACT 4 :   What can stop it?
Try to find out what can defeat it... maybe music?
ACT 5 :   Clever!
You won, and the robot is dancing... Wait what??
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