Clark and Stanley meet a Penguin / Analysis
By Andrew2003
10/25/2009 - 21:37:36
Type: Puzzle adventure
Rating: 0.69 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to snow world talk to clark and stanly
Welcome to snow world talk to clark and stanly
Win message:
Let's hope the cops don't find out that this has happened
Let's hope the cops don't find out that this has happened
Lose message:
Oh no you died along with them.
Oh no you died along with them.
ACT 1 : Penguins.
You must talk to Clark and Stanly
You must talk to Clark and Stanly
ACT 2 : Those Penguins are mad
Oh no Clark and stanly are going to die
Oh no Clark and stanly are going to die
ACT 3 : Move to the hut
Oh well now you have to act like nothing happened
Oh well now you have to act like nothing happened
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