Basic info
Intro message:
Prisoner 2543423676 you are to be subjected to execution. When the field goes down you are to enter the ring.
Prisoner 2543423676 you are to be subjected to execution. When the field goes down you are to enter the ring.
Win message:
You killed Anubis and you are now the king of Abydos. But what will you do with it will you assist the citizens, or inslave them? Well not up to you. You got to back to your spaceship.
You killed Anubis and you are now the king of Abydos. But what will you do with it will you assist the citizens, or inslave them? Well not up to you. You got to back to your spaceship.
Lose message:
Well you lost and people are dead and its your fault.
Well you lost and people are dead and its your fault.
ACT 1 : the beginning
ACT 2 : Well..
well I guess I should go through and finish it
well I guess I should go through and finish it
ACT 3 : Ooook
Ooook that was weird, guess i should talk to that guy at the gate.
Ooook that was weird, guess i should talk to that guy at the gate.
ACT 4 : rebel
rebel over the Goa'uld
rebel over the Goa'uld
ACT 5 : rebel
Kill Anubis
Kill Anubis
ACT 6 :
speak to anubis
speak to anubis
ACT 7 : huh
ACT 8 : Kill Anubis
Time to kill Anubis no distractions
Time to kill Anubis no distractions
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