A day in the life on a seagull / Analysis

By smallos
10/08/2009 - 22:42:19
Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0.1 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
You are a seagull and it is nesting season but your partner disappeard a few weeks ago so you are on your own
You are a seagull and it is nesting season but your partner disappeard a few weeks ago so you are on your own
Win message:
Good work your partner is back and your babies are well fed and happy!
Good work your partner is back and your babies are well fed and happy!
Lose message:
Oh no you have failed your babies will not survive.try again
Oh no you have failed your babies will not survive.try again
ACT 1 : Nest
Fly around the island collecting sticks to build a nest out of but look out for preditors.
Fly around the island collecting sticks to build a nest out of but look out for preditors.
ACT 2 : Home
go back and build your nest
go back and build your nest
ACT 3 : Warmth
You need to collect food but you must keep your eggs warm go collect feathers from nearby nests to keep them warm
You need to collect food but you must keep your eggs warm go collect feathers from nearby nests to keep them warm
ACT 4 : Fish
Now that you eggs are warm you need to collect food for you and your babys the sea is full of fish fo catch some
Now that you eggs are warm you need to collect food for you and your babys the sea is full of fish fo catch some
ACT 5 : Return
head back to your nest the eggs will hatch soon
head back to your nest the eggs will hatch soon
ACT 6 : Partner
You hear a cry on the wind and you know it is your partner you need to save them
You hear a cry on the wind and you know it is your partner you need to save them
ACT 7 : Hawk
Uh oh looks like someting isnt happy about you freeing your partner quickly ally with your partner so you can fight together
Uh oh looks like someting isnt happy about you freeing your partner quickly ally with your partner so you can fight together
ACT 8 : Home
return home with your partner
return home with your partner
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