The ways of war / Analysis

By smallos
10/04/2009 - 05:18:10
Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0.02 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
You have been beamed into a rageing battle
You have been beamed into a rageing battle
Win message:
Good work the Zellit are free! and the Crael and the Grox thwarted once again.
Good work the Zellit are free! and the Crael and the Grox thwarted once again.
Lose message:
You have fallen this world will never be at peace.try again
You have fallen this world will never be at peace.try again
ACT 1 : War
Wait for the general to arrive
Wait for the general to arrive
ACT 2 : The general
talk to the general
talk to the general
ACT 3 : Secret weapon?
I wonder what it could be...
I wonder what it could be...
That must be that secret weapon
That must be that secret weapon
ACT 5 : The king
Speak to the general then follow his orders
Speak to the general then follow his orders
ACT 6 : Victory
Speak to the defeated king
Speak to the defeated king
ACT 7 : Lies!
The Crael are allys with the Grox, kill the general
The Crael are allys with the Grox, kill the general
ACT 8 : Victory!
Looks like this war is over.
Looks like this war is over.
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