The ways of war / Analysis

By smallos
10/04/2009 - 05:18:10

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0.02 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You have been beamed into a rageing battle
Win message:
Good work the Zellit are free! and the Crael and the Grox thwarted once again.
Lose message:
You have fallen this world will never be at peace.try again
ACT 1 :   War
Wait for the general to arrive
ACT 2 :   The general
talk to the general
ACT 3 :   Secret weapon?
I wonder what it could be...
That must be that secret weapon
ACT 5 :   The king
Speak to the general then follow his orders
ACT 6 :   Victory
Speak to the defeated king
ACT 7 :   Lies!
The Crael are allys with the Grox, kill the general
ACT 8 :   Victory!
Looks like this war is over.
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