Super Sonic's Maze / Analysis
By katarzynamilde
10/03/2009 - 09:07:15
Type: Puzzle adventure
Rating: 0.02 (Not rated)
Basic info
Win message:
Congrats, you beat Mr. Pac Man's maze, and got a ton of Yellow Gems to prove it!
Congrats, you beat Mr. Pac Man's maze, and got a ton of Yellow Gems to prove it!
Lose message:
Aww! Keep trying! Don't want those yellow gems to go to waste do we?
Aww! Keep trying! Don't want those yellow gems to go to waste do we?
ACT 1 :
Espio is hiding behind 5 Yellow gates. Find the keys to talk to him!
Espio is hiding behind 5 Yellow gates. Find the keys to talk to him!
ACT 2 :
Have fun with it, and watch out for ghosts! HINT: the gold plates allow you to teleport!
Have fun with it, and watch out for ghosts! HINT: the gold plates allow you to teleport!
ACT 3 :
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