The Bandit Lord / Analysis

By smallos
09/24/2009 - 04:35:22
Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0.05 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
You have been beamed into a ship in high orbit over the desert planet Akbar
You have been beamed into a ship in high orbit over the desert planet Akbar
Win message:
Good work you have defeated the Bandit Lord putting a stop to his crimes!
Good work you have defeated the Bandit Lord putting a stop to his crimes!
Lose message:
You have failed your mission try again
You have failed your mission try again
ACT 1 : Brief
Get briefed in your mission
Get briefed in your mission
ACT 2 : Desert
Find your way into the city
Find your way into the city
ACT 3 : Snakes
Find and talk to Snakes
Find and talk to Snakes
ACT 4 : Thugs!
Look in the alley find an access to the Bandit lords lair
Look in the alley find an access to the Bandit lords lair
ACT 5 : The lair
Find the bandit lord
Find the bandit lord
ACT 6 : Ambush!
Oh no you need to deal with these guys and follow the bandit lord.
Oh no you need to deal with these guys and follow the bandit lord.
ACT 7 : Chase
Follow the bandit lord!
Follow the bandit lord!
ACT 8 : Fight
Kill the bandit lord!
Kill the bandit lord!
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