Mini Arena / Analysis

By st888
09/19/2009 - 01:53:42

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0.67 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
An arena! Here you must defeat an army of miniture villans. May you be strong!
Win message:
You did it! Congratulations! How did your time compare with the world leaders? Can you beat your time?
Lose message:
Too bad. Do you have Captain battle gear? You may want it. Don't give up!
ACT 1 :   Battle
It is a fight to the death! Finish off the two mini monster armies and their tanks to claim victory!
ACT 2 :   Prize $
Glory is you! You have brought down the dreaded beasts. The people of this land award you gold, so go get it! PARTY TIME!
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