Poke-Massacre / Analysis

By c1c2c3
09/14/2009 - 12:17:55

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
So this is where the remaining poke'mon have been hididng. Kill them off!
Win message:
The Pokemon race is gone! For once they actually DIED, not got KO'd. Good job, you are now a hero.
Lose message:
Well, the Pokemon rein still exists! Try again, and win this time!
ACT 1 :   Kill the Poke'mon off!
You've finally found the hiding place of the last remaining Poke'mon. It's time to weed them out. Focus on these ones right now.
ACT 2 :   There are still more!
Ok. On to the others
ACT 3 :   Finish the remainders

ACT 4 :   Uh-Oh
Seems like that big Ikachu wasn't dead! Kill it before it escapes!
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