Aliens in Los Angeles V2 / Analysis

By DSNV143
09/13/2009 - 14:03:58
Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0.07 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
News Caster: Breaking news, Aliens have invaded Los Angeles, and have caused much panic and mayhem. NEST teams and the USMC have been dispatched to put down the crisis.(V2)
News Caster: Breaking news, Aliens have invaded Los Angeles, and have caused much panic and mayhem. NEST teams and the USMC have been dispatched to put down the crisis.(V2)
Win message:
Nice job, Marine! Not only did we defeat thoose alien guys but we saved thousands of lives in the process! Oorah!
Nice job, Marine! Not only did we defeat thoose alien guys but we saved thousands of lives in the process! Oorah!
Lose message:
Well, Los Angeles was taken over by the aliens and the USMC was defeated. The war isnt over though. But this battle is.
Well, Los Angeles was taken over by the aliens and the USMC was defeated. The war isnt over though. But this battle is.
ACT 1 : Get your Breifing
Go find Lt. Vasquez and talk to him. When your done, move to your CH-46 Sea Knight Helicopter.
Go find Lt. Vasquez and talk to him. When your done, move to your CH-46 Sea Knight Helicopter.
ACT 2 : Calm before the storm
Strange... no signs of aliens, but at least the civilians were evacuated. Wait.. whats that thing in the crater?
Strange... no signs of aliens, but at least the civilians were evacuated. Wait.. whats that thing in the crater?
ACT 3 : Firefight in the city
Ahhh!! Thoose aliens have teleported or something to the city! Hold out for 2 minutes until the tanks arrive. Oorah? Open fire marines!(Tip: there are extra powerups back by the statue.)
Ahhh!! Thoose aliens have teleported or something to the city! Hold out for 2 minutes until the tanks arrive. Oorah? Open fire marines!(Tip: there are extra powerups back by the statue.)
ACT 4 : Help!
The Abrams tanks have arrived! Wait... there are only 2! What happened to the rest??!!
The Abrams tanks have arrived! Wait... there are only 2! What happened to the rest??!!
ACT 5 : It's a trap!
We have been drawn into a trap! The aliens have been assulting the base while we were in the city. We need to defend the base until the U.S. Army arrives with reinforcements.
We have been drawn into a trap! The aliens have been assulting the base while we were in the city. We need to defend the base until the U.S. Army arrives with reinforcements.
ACT 6 : US Army to the rescue!
The Army has arrived and the aliens are beginning to retreat! Oh, and the air Force has come with 6 F-22s too! Were saved!
The Army has arrived and the aliens are beginning to retreat! Oh, and the air Force has come with 6 F-22s too! Were saved!
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