Man VS Wild / Analysis

By SamethMajoris
09/06/2009 - 19:35:08

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0.23 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You are stranded on a raft in the middle of the ocean, it's Man VS Wild (Actually alien VS wild but Man VS WIld is more catchy)
Win message:
Hooray!! you survived!!! Too bad the boats out of fuel!!
Lose message:
You failed and your body will be devoured in an undignified manner by a Carjox
ACT 1 :   Disaster
Looks like your path to survival is to find land, hey something hit the raft!!
ACT 2 :   Land Ahoy!!!
I should follow my ancestors footsteps and make an axe, all I need is a stick and rock...
ACT 3 :   Getin' some wood
You need a crib so ya'll probably have to get some wood...
ACT 4 :   Make your hut!!
Get the pile of sticks to the campsite
ACT 5 :   Getting a Roof
The canvas of your sail would make a good roof
ACT 6 :   Get Some food
Get some food and some sticks to burn( hint they are in the forest and try to not become Carjox food!) Then bring it back to the fire
ACT 7 :   Going to Clean With a Suprise
Hmmm I feel like a swim lets go to the pond. (As you can see your character is losing his or hers mind)
ACT 8 :   

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