Spacland adventure park / Analysis

By fishus
09/04/2009 - 19:47:07
Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 1.5 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Spacland! home planet of the wierdest creatures in the galaxy! Take your tourist gaggle on a wonderful tour in your bus, see the sights, feel the wonder! (make a heap of cash!)
Spacland! home planet of the wierdest creatures in the galaxy! Take your tourist gaggle on a wonderful tour in your bus, see the sights, feel the wonder! (make a heap of cash!)
Win message:
Is THAT IT!!!! Oh For........
Is THAT IT!!!! Oh For........
Lose message:
How the hell can you lose at this?
How the hell can you lose at this?
ACT 1 : Base camp
Ok, your at base camp, when your ready, Get in the bus and drive off to your first stop.
Ok, your at base camp, when your ready, Get in the bus and drive off to your first stop.
ACT 2 : The savannah
Stop 1, the savannah, nothing much here except spacbeasts and mrrtins, still, They're paying for this....
Stop 1, the savannah, nothing much here except spacbeasts and mrrtins, still, They're paying for this....
ACT 3 : Watering hole
Right, on to stop 2, the watering hole.
Right, on to stop 2, the watering hole.
ACT 4 : Lava pits
Stop 3 now, the lava pits..... oh spode help me...........
Stop 3 now, the lava pits..... oh spode help me...........
ACT 5 : The marsh
Off to the marshes, to paddle with the shoggys and spacadiles.
Off to the marshes, to paddle with the shoggys and spacadiles.
ACT 6 : Grave of Mupneahup
Now on to the final stop, mupneahups grave.
Now on to the final stop, mupneahups grave.
ACT 7 : Now for the reward
Off you go to see how much you earned.
Off you go to see how much you earned.
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