Skull Island part 1 / Analysis

By Jetavian
08/21/2009 - 00:41:46

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to Skull island, you must explore the land and it's wildlife to learn about this incredible place.
Win message:
You have managed to gain enough imformation about the coast, what will you find upstream?
Lose message:
You may have not found the necessary imformation, but at least you make a good meal for some animals.
ACT 1 :   Welcome to Skull Island
Explore the coast line and search for anything interesting. Maybe there is something up that slope?
ACT 2 :   The coast
Bridges and arches? There must be sentient life somewhere here. Check out some of those dinosaurs in the water and than move on.
ACT 3 :   A predator appears!
Yikes! A Tartarusaurus! Those are the deadliest creatures on the coast. While it's feeding, sneak around it if you want to live.
ACT 4 :   The clifts
Now that you're safe, study three animals that roam these clifts before moving on.
ACT 5 :   Signs of sentience
More sculptures. There is definitely inteligent life here, maybe investigating some of these stuff will help you find out who lives here.
ACT 6 :   Tartarusaurus!
The Tartarusaurus is after you! Make for the river and jump in the raft, hurry!
ACT 7 :   Safety
Your safe again, now use the raft to travel into the interior of the island.
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