(Jupiter) Spore's Orbit / Analysis

By jboy97
08/15/2009 - 16:14:36

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0.06 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You are in the orbit of one of Spore's Planets. You will be given special tasks prepared for Jupiter 03. Use the Glide Thrusters when you are in trouble. Good luck!
Win message:
Jupiter 03 has safely met the requirements on becoming a space-flight machine. Great job.
Lose message:
Jupi-bzzt-er los-bzzzzt-ing co-bzt-nnect-bzzzt-ion..................
ACT 1 :   Spore's Glide Task
While staying in your Orbit Path, fly through 5 Green Rings. TIP: Don't struggle on turning too much or you will start to descend.
ACT 2 :   Spore's Flight Task
While staying in your Orbit Path, Fly through the Speedgate and 10 Red Rings.
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