Galactic Zoo- HollowKnight / Analysis

By Cecil_090
08/13/2009 - 03:31:01

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0.28 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You've just landed in the Galactic Zoo entrance point, now that your here I guess you better go to the zoo. JUST GO TO THE ZOO OKAY! IT COULD BE ALOT WORSE!
Win message:
Congrats on winning! Be sure to look for my next Galactic Zoo! Next time the featured creator will be DiabloDog!
Lose message:
It's a Zoo.......did you jump into the Sheeple cage or something?
ACT 1 :   HollowKnight Who?
Speak to Cecil to learn about the new Galactic Zoo!
Ask the other Zoo guests about Hollowknight.
ACT 3 :   Enter Da Zoo!
Now that you've been tutored on HollowKnight 101 it's time for you to enter the zoo!
ACT 4 :   The same old routine
You know the drill, read the information screens to learn more about HollowKnight's creatures.
ACT 5 :   Two more to go!
Only two screens left to read....or is it watch?.....It's a video game mission so just do as I say!
ACT 6 :   Time to kill stuff!
Hey would the Galactic Zoo be the same if there wasn't something that needed to be killed?
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