Return to Skull Island Part 2 / Analysis

By Giganoto08
08/04/2009 - 20:37:06

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.6 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
The natives have thrown you into Skull Island's jungle! Be wary. Dangers are everywhere!
Win message:
You killed the Nefundusaur! It seems disturbingly evident that the species on the island are still thriving. Play Part 3 to see what happens next on "'Return to Skull Island"'.
Lose message:
You have succumbed to the terrors of Skull Island.
ACT 1 :   The Lowlands
It seems that the natives threw you out here in the jungle. But where are the others? Go look for them on the path.
ACT 2 :   Carl
Go find Carl.
ACT 3 :   Dinosaur!
What the...???? It's some sort of dinosaur! Fight back! Fight back!
ACT 4 :   Hayes
Wow... Now that that's over, go look for Hayes.
ACT 5 :   Scorpio-pedes
Giant centipedes are attacking!
ACT 6 :   Take Cover!!!
You're no match for these two! Go hide behind that boulder on the path. Let them fight each other. Which ever one is left, finish him off!
ACT 7 :   Wait...
Wait for one to die.
ACT 8 :   Kill the Nefundusaurus!!!
Move in for the kill!
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