Curiosity killed the Kat ~ v2 / Analysis

By NayrMP
08/01/2009 - 22:42:21

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.19 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You are a renowned Question Mark named Commander Curiosity, and you have been called by your fellow Question Marks to rid them of the evil Kat on their homeworld. Can you and your crew do so?
Win message:
Yes you've done it! Curiosity did, in fact, kill the Kat! Planet Curiosity is safe once more from the Kat's evil dominion! Don't forget to rate this up and check out my other creations!
Lose message:
Ahhh, did the wittle baby Captain lose? Don't worry, you can always try again. Please don't forget to rate this up, check out my other creations, and have fun with my adventures!
ACT 1 :   Curio'City
This is your training act. Explore the village, talk to the village folks, and get a feel for your mission before setting off...
ACT 2 :   First Travels: Questionville
Now that you have finished training, you are off on your adventure! Walk down the dirt path and talk to the lead traveler in Questionville to find out what to do next!
ACT 3 :   Cave Troubles...
First off, why don't you go ahead over to those boulders blocking your path and examine them. After that, some helpful advice would be for you to LOOK CAREFULLY! You will be able to get out...
ACT 4 :   The next stop...
The next stop: another peaceful village. This time you will have to help the locals with a few tasks, and then move onto the path that they instuct you to so that you can continue on your trip
ACT 5 :   The round rock...
Alright, so you found all of the fruit and gave it to Fluffy. The next challenge is a bit harder. Take the right path at the front of the village to get to your next goal...
ACT 6 :   Run!
Okay, you have just a few seconds to run down that ramp as far as you can to reach the teleporter before a giant boulder will come careening down after you! Hurry!
ACT 7 :   Which way?
So since you're reading this I am assuming that you have probably already escaped the boulder rolling after you. Follow the signs and the path through the village to find out what to do next.
ACT 8 :   The Final Battle!
This is the moment that you've been waiting for. It's time to crush some Kat! Prove yourself and see if Curiosity did kill the Kat. If you fail, well, then mom was wrong about Curiosity.
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