Basic info
Intro message:
Many are sick or dying. It is up to you to help these people regain their health.
Many are sick or dying. It is up to you to help these people regain their health.
Win message:
All is well, the citizens are all brought back to good health! The good people of this planet have erected a statue in your honor.
All is well, the citizens are all brought back to good health! The good people of this planet have erected a statue in your honor.
Lose message:
Everyone in the town and nearby towns were wiped out by the plague. At least that violent Spodian zealot sect that has been prowling the galaxy has a convenient abandoned town to settle.
Everyone in the town and nearby towns were wiped out by the plague. At least that violent Spodian zealot sect that has been prowling the galaxy has a convenient abandoned town to settle.
ACT 1 :
ACT 2 :
ACT 3 :
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ACT 6 :
ACT 7 :
ACT 8 :
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