Raging Fire, War for Agraa / Analysis

By Rex199
07/26/2009 - 19:35:12

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You have been called upon by The United Empires of Agraa, one of the msot powerful empires in the Galaxy. Why? To battle the evil Rorranter, on the UEA's home planet.
Win message:
At the expense of hundreds of lives, we won. Atleast we can sleep knowing for the price of a hundred, we saved a billion. *End Transmission*
Lose message:
The Rorranter have won... They control a choke point, and their Grox allies will conquer with them.
ACT 1 :   
Blood Bath
ACT 2 :   Supply and refuel
Supply and Refuel
ACT 3 :   Rigged to blow

ACT 4 :   Victory is ours!

ACT 5 :   Drop the Nuke

ACT 6 :   Desolation

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