The Mobile City of Lights / Analysis
By fearripper
07/23/2009 - 03:46:54
Type: Explore adventure
Rating: -0.75 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to this world you may know that within this Mobile City is the universe famous Rim Redge Arena, run by Captain Amazing himself! Today your task is simple, defeat the might robot!
Welcome to this world you may know that within this Mobile City is the universe famous Rim Redge Arena, run by Captain Amazing himself! Today your task is simple, defeat the might robot!
Win message:
Good job....It wasn't the hardest adventure but it sure was fun right? Play again if you just wanna explore the city.
Good job....It wasn't the hardest adventure but it sure was fun right? Play again if you just wanna explore the city.
Lose message:
Oh you poor guy, but I told you not to hit a girl...
Oh you poor guy, but I told you not to hit a girl...
ACT 1 : The arena.
You might as well take the teleporter inside the arena and talk to captain amazing who has ventured many galactins for this!
You might as well take the teleporter inside the arena and talk to captain amazing who has ventured many galactins for this!
ACT 2 : The fight
Kill that evil ancestor killing son of a jerk's robot's ancient brother in law's friends aunt! Wait it's a girl?! Oh NOz you cannot hit a girl! Oh well bend the rules this one time...
Kill that evil ancestor killing son of a jerk's robot's ancient brother in law's friends aunt! Wait it's a girl?! Oh NOz you cannot hit a girl! Oh well bend the rules this one time...
ACT 3 : Yay!
Great job now your under arrest for hitting a girl.... Heh I'm just kidding walk around before getting picked up by your mom.
Great job now your under arrest for hitting a girl.... Heh I'm just kidding walk around before getting picked up by your mom.
ACT 4 : Concert
Well ol' mum is a little late so go see the concert if you can find it...
Well ol' mum is a little late so go see the concert if you can find it...
ACT 5 : Coldplay
Go look for Chris Martin and maybe a few other awesome people.
Go look for Chris Martin and maybe a few other awesome people.
ACT 6 : The guitar and the virus
Well no more drinks for him...Just get his guitar so at least they can have a concert.
Well no more drinks for him...Just get his guitar so at least they can have a concert.
ACT 7 : Nuclear Fallout
At the peak of the junk is the junk king of the universe (for reelz!) talk to him...
At the peak of the junk is the junk king of the universe (for reelz!) talk to him...
ACT 8 : Lunch Money
I think your mommy is here. *cracks up* and ummm you should go find her...*lolz himself to sleep*
I think your mommy is here. *cracks up* and ummm you should go find her...*lolz himself to sleep*
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