tokay evolution / Analysis
By nfuego
07/22/2009 - 20:34:55
Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0.33 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
it's your job to stay alive to evolve!
it's your job to stay alive to evolve!
Win message:
good job your evolving!
good job your evolving!
Lose message:
your species never made it tokay gecko's are now extinct
your species never made it tokay gecko's are now extinct
ACT 1 : gallimimus
you must eat them
you must eat them
ACT 2 : more food
ACT 3 : more food!
your hungry again!
your hungry again!
ACT 4 : tyranosaurus
this is who made the rest of your species extinct also bad music choice!
this is who made the rest of your species extinct also bad music choice!
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