To The Beach Planet! / Analysis

By raniac1
07/18/2009 - 04:14:22

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0.88 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Woooo Hoooo! Time to party!
Win message:
You saved the day! Too bad you used up all your vacation time!
Lose message:
Who would have thought you would die on vacation?
ACT 1 :   Vacation!
The life of a Captain is hard, Take a break!
ACT 2 :   A Simple Task
Drawn to adventure you decide to cross the water to a small island.
ACT 3 :   Trouble in Paradise?
What was that noise? head back to the island!
ACT 4 :   What Happened?
Talk to the mayor, maybe he can tell you whats going on.
ACT 5 :   Emergency! Again...
Crab people have been sighted near town! Defeat them all!
ACT 6 :   Mayor "'Helpful"'
The town is safe all thanks to you!
ACT 7 :   Slaying The King
No! the teleporter took you wayyyyyyyyyyy too close quick think of something!
ACT 8 :   RUN!
Uh-Oh the queen in mad! Run for it!
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