Pokemon MD Chikorita Fixed / Analysis

By gamerman77
07/16/2009 - 19:46:47
Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Where am I...........
Where am I...........
Win message:
What Leave this World.......... Oh well I have my pride
What Leave this World.......... Oh well I have my pride
Lose message:
What you died you can't do anything right
What you died you can't do anything right
ACT 1 : Where are you
Where are you?
Where are you?
ACT 2 : Meet Guild Master Wigglytuff
You should go see Master Wigglytuff he knows all.....
You should go see Master Wigglytuff he knows all.....
ACT 3 : Meet the Pokemon
Meet Chansey, Electivire and Duskull
Meet Chansey, Electivire and Duskull
ACT 4 : Meet the Pokemon Part Two
Meet Kangaskan, Kecleon and Xatu
Meet Kangaskan, Kecleon and Xatu
ACT 5 : Go and see the master
Go see Wigglytuff again.
Go see Wigglytuff again.
ACT 6 : Find an Apple Platter
Go get an Apple
Go get an Apple
ACT 7 : Enter the Beach Cave
Your new Mission go to the beach cave
Your new Mission go to the beach cave
ACT 8 : R%eturn home
You now must go see master Wigglytuff
You now must go see master Wigglytuff
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