Fan-diddly-tastic Voyage / Analysis
By ericDartist
07/14/2009 - 16:10:00
Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to the Living Planet's innards! Gross, eh? Well, it only gets grosser.
Welcome to the Living Planet's innards! Gross, eh? Well, it only gets grosser.
Win message:
You've cured the Living Planet of it's nasty cold!You had the proper vaccinations BEFORE taking this adventure, right? Don't want to go spreading the flu around.
You've cured the Living Planet of it's nasty cold!You had the proper vaccinations BEFORE taking this adventure, right? Don't want to go spreading the flu around.
Lose message:
The cold's caught you, it seems.
The cold's caught you, it seems.
ACT 1 :
Talk to the Doctor. He should know what to do.
Talk to the Doctor. He should know what to do.
ACT 2 :
Go get some allies from within whatever organ this is.
Go get some allies from within whatever organ this is.
ACT 3 :
Now you're ready to fight off the infection!
Now you're ready to fight off the infection!
ACT 4 :
Viruses! And lots of them. Protect the hearts!
Viruses! And lots of them. Protect the hearts!
ACT 5 :
You've stopped the virus from spreading throughout the bloodstreams! But...
You've stopped the virus from spreading throughout the bloodstreams! But...
ACT 6 :
Is it to late?
Is it to late?
ACT 7 :
That's one BIG virus. It seems to be the illnesses source. Time for some brain surgery.
That's one BIG virus. It seems to be the illnesses source. Time for some brain surgery.
ACT 8 :
The illness's source has been destroyed! The Living Planet's own imunity systems should be able to clear the rest of it.
The illness's source has been destroyed! The Living Planet's own imunity systems should be able to clear the rest of it.
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